And what better way to obtain powerful items than make them yourself? Skyrim's Enchanting skill is one of its most rewarding, allowing players to create items that dwarf over Daedric Artifacts in terms of power. Updated August 15th, 2021, by Charles Burgar: Becoming the strongest Dragonborn in Skyrim requires good gear and upgraded skills. Here is a complete guide to Skyrim's Enchanting skill, including leveling tips and unique enchantments to look out for. As long as you have an Arcane Enchanter and a filled soul gem, you can turn any mundane weapon into a fire-infused tool of death. Enchanting is a big contributor to this, providing magical effects to your gear. Unlike most games, crafting items in Skyrim is absurdly strong and is the pathway to obtaining the strongest gear possible. Related: Skyrim: The Best Robes And How To Find Them Some of that customization comes from Skyrim's crafting skills that allow you to make, refine, and enchant gear. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim offers an endless amount of replayability thanks to its flexible character customization and near-endless number of quests.